#NoSmokingDay: What Happens To Your Body 48 Hours After Quitting


As anyone who has quit or attempted to quit smoking will tell you the first few days are very difficult. With withdrawals and cravings, it is easy to see why many people fall off the wagon. However new quitters shouldn’t be disheartened by the difficulties, as the health benefits are worth it! While giving up smoking brings lots of long term benefits, you shouldn’t ignore the short term ones either!


To help motivate you this #NoSmokingDay we’ve put together a list of what happens to your body 48 hours after you quit smoking!

Your Pulse Returns To Normal

Actually, this can happen just 20 minutes after you have your last cigarette, as smoking raises your heart rate and blood pressure.

Carbon Monoxide Is Eliminated From The Body

Carbon Monoxide can lead to cardiovascular problems, so just after 24 hours of quitting your risk of a heart attack will decrease.

Nicotine Will Leave Your System

Unfortunately this will mean that you will start to experience cravings and withdrawals. Although these can be tough, withdrawal symptoms can pass after the first week.

You Can Taste And Smell Better

Cigarette smoke can dull your senses and after 48 hours of being cigarette free your nerve endings will begin to grow back, meaning that your sense of taste and smell will start to improve.

Your Lungs Start To Clear Out Mucus

This may cause a stronger cough than usual, however when your oxygen levels return to normal you’ll start to find breathing much easier.

You’ll Save Money

We know, this isn’t something that will happen to your body, but it’s still very much worth noting! (Now start thinking about how you’ll reward yourself for quitting with the money you’ll save!)


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