It’s Spring! Now Lefts Spring Clean Our Makeup Bags!

It’s the time of year, where the evenings are longer, warmer and brighter and we start the annual ‘Spring Clean’. However, what many of us forget to do is spring clean our makeup bags!

Although it can be a daunting process, with years worth of makeup gathering in a makeup bag, but now is the time to organise, clean and fall back in love with your makeup bag!

Step 1: Get Rid of Old Products


The first step to clearing out your makeup bag is to get rid of old makeup! We know it may be hard to throw away the lipstick you’ve have for years, but the rule is generally after a year, you need to get a new one. Mascara has one of the shortest shelf lives of cosmetics as the wand collects bacteria that can irritate your eyes.

Step 2: Clean EVERYTHING, even your makeup bag!


After you’ve cleared out your makeup bag and throw away your old products, try and clean any smeared makeup from your makeup bag with a makeup wipe, if its made of cloth, pop it in the washing machine. Don’t forget to clean the inside of your makeup products too to avoid staining the bag all over again!

Step 3: Be Organised!


Now that your makeup bag and products are spotless, it’s time for some organisation! Keep your ‘go to’ products somewhere where you can get to them easily. Then sort the products that you don’t use daily into categories, so that you the products you don’t use daily, but couldn’t part with kept safe.

Step 4: Get Out The Spring Colours


Now that you have organised and cleaned all your cosmetics, now its time to get out those Spring colours to get you in the mood for the warmer, sunnier weather! Choose a base that is lightweight but still provides you with coverage (we recommend a BB Cream), then add some highlighter to give your skin a gorgeous glow. Spring is also the time to use pops of colour on your cheeks and lips!


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