Ask The Pharmacist: My Breastfeeding Journey

As part of World Breastfeeding Week, our Supervising Pharmacist in our Tesco Ballybeg store shares her experience of breastfeeding with her baby.

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Read Nicola’s story below and call in to any of our pharmacies to learn more about breastfeeding!

Breastfeeding is the best start you can give your baby and as soon as I found out I was pregnant I knew I wanted to try to breastfeed. I attended a breastfeeding evening and read as much information as I could to help prepare me for the journey. I had my little boy by C-Section and the midwife put the baby on my chest to initiate skin-to-skin contact. As I was in a bit of pain the midwife positioned the baby to my chest for the first feed. Over the next few days I was able to latch the baby on myself and with each feed my confidence grew. On the third night the baby cluster fed most of the night and although I was very tired it was a positive experience as the next morning my milk came in (day 4).

The next two weeks were tough and I struggled with engorgement and cracked bleeding nipples due to a bad latch. I immediatley sought the help of a lactation consultant and she really helped me to perfect the latch and reassured me that things would get easier at a time when I was thinking of giving up. Within a few days things did get eaiser and I’m so glad that I persisted through those tough few days.

I knew breastfeeding had nutritional benefits but I never could have imagined the emotional connection and bond that this would bring to us. Looking back I am so happy I persisted through those initial few weeks and sought help when I needed it. A breastfeeding journey I thought might only last a few days/weeks ended up lasting 3 years.



Don’t Live With The Discomfort Of Joint Pain


Joint pain comes with a number of challenges, the most notable being a limited range of movement. Those who experience pain typically see a deterioration in their joint mobility, which can lead to a vicious cycle that costs them their health and independence.

The cycle happens like this: When someone experiences joint pain, whether it be a result of arthritis, injury, or other conditions, this pain eventually makes it difficult to stay active. This inactivity can lead to weight gain, which opens the door for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. On top of these conditions, an immobile lifestyle makes already painful joints hurt even more. Add in the mental and emotional toll, which often includes depression, and the vicious cycle continues to spin, resulting in an overall lower quality of life.


The key to preventing a sedentary lifestyle is by remaining active. With LubriSynHA, you can help prevent this downward spiral. Our hyaluronic acid treatment doesn’t just help relieve pain; it has also been shown to improve functioning. By maintaining the ability to move freely and easily, you can help preserve your physical and mental health.

Furthermore, LubriSynHA is safer than other treatment options and comes with a lower cost and improved convenience. Instead of further damaging your joints with pain medication or undergoing expensive and painful injection treatments, you should find relief in the form of our effective and fast-acting hyaluronic acid. Our formula can keep you on your feet and help you get back to comfort and living.

Running Foot Care Tips From Compeed!

Of all the ways to keep fit, running has to be one of the most rewarding. Not only is it free, but it also makes you explore the great outdoors, and constantly challenges you to better your performance in terms of timing and endurance. Whether you’re running for fun, to improve your general fitness, or training for a marathon, it’s important to set realistic goals and take care of your body. Runners, perhaps more than any other sportspeople, know exactly how painful bruised toenails and blisters can be, and how common foot afflictions can easily hamper their performance, speed and general enjoyment of the sport.

Foot care for athletes and runners

A common concern for athletes and runners is blister prevention. The friction of socks and trainers rubbing against your skin causes blisters, which can be extremely painful. Blisters are essentially your body’s defence against further damage, with a fluid-filled sac forming to protect the vulnerable tissue underneath.

Unfortunately a number of issues can exacerbate blisters in running and related sports, such as an increased pace, badly fitting trainers and bunions. Furthermore, heat and the moisture from your sweat can make your feet swell, thereby changing the fit of your shoes. Tips to avoid blisters include:

  • Make sure you have the correct trainers for your feet and sport. Experts advise that different shoes are needed for different terrain, and it is vitally important that your trainers fit both in normal conditions and when your feet are slightly swollen from exertion.
  • Wear two pairs of thin socks, so that the friction occurs between the socks rather than on your skin, or try blister-free socks.
  • Keep your feet lubricated with a preventative product like Compeed Anti-Blister Stick which helps prevent chafing and can be applied prior to embarking on any exercise.

Effective sports blister treatment

In the event you do get a blister, the makers of COMPEED® offer a comprehensive range of blister plasters to suit different areas of your feet, from toes to underfoot and heels. The plasters all offer instant pain relief, form a protective cushion and allow optimum healing conditions. They come in both small and medium sizes, with a special Blister Mix  pack providing a selection that can always be on stand-by in your first aid kit or gym bag.

Do You Regularly Suffer From Abdominal Bloating? Here Are Some Home Remedies To Stop It!

There are many possible causes of abdominal bloating, including fluid retention, irritable bowel syndrome, and infection. Most of the time it is harmless and it can be treated at home.

Abdominal bloating can very painful. Some people notice that their stomach looks swollen or misshapen, or they may experience sharp abdominal pain. In many cases, the cause may be something as simple as indigestion or too much gas building up in the stomach and bowels.

Gas- A build-up of gas in the stomach and intestines is among the most common causes of bloating. Other possible symptoms include:

·         excessive flatulence

·         feeling an intense urge to have a bowel movement

·         feeling nauseous

Gas can be caused by:

· certain foods, including cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage

·         a stomach infection

·         chronic illnesses, such as Crohn’s disease

·         indigestion

·         a range of other conditions

In most cases, gas goes away on its own after a few hours. Sona’s Peppermint capsules work to help alleviate these symptoms. Peppermint is a known treatment for stomach problems such as gas and bloating.


Indigestion is discomfort or pain in the stomach. Most people experience brief episodes of indigestion from time to time.

It is often caused by:

·         eating too much

·         excessive alcohol

·         medications that irritate the stomach

·         a minor stomach infection

Stomach infections can cause gas, which may also be accompanied by:

·         diarrhoea

·         vomiting

·         nausea

·         stomach pain

These are often due to bacteria such as Escherichia coli or Helicobacter pylori, or a viral infection such as norovirus or rotavirus.

Stomach infections usually go away on their own after a few days. However, some people may become severely dehydrated or continue to get worse over several days. These individuals should see a doctor.

Fluid retention

Eating salty foods, having food intolerances, and experiencing changes in hormone levels can all cause a person’s body to retain more fluid than it would otherwise. Some women find that they are bloated immediately before getting their periods or early in pregnancy.

Chronic bloating due to fluid retention could have a more serious cause, such as diabetes or kidney failure. If the bloating does not go away, a person should speak to a doctor.

Food intolerances

Some people become bloated after eating certain foods. For example, people who are lactose intolerant, or who have a gluten allergy or celiac disease. The bloating usually goes away on its own but may be linked to diarrhoea or stomach pain.

Both IBS and Crohn’s can cause gas, diarrhoea, vomiting, and unintentional weight loss.


Constipation often causes bloating. Causes of constipation include:


· dehydration


·not enough fibre in the diet


·food intolerance




·certain bowel disorders


·nutrient deficiencies, including magnesium


·certain medicines

Treatments and home remedies

Consuming peppermint may help to reduce the symptoms of abdominal bloating.

Bloating can usually be safely treated at home. Some options that may help include:

·         applying a heat pad to the stomach

·         drinking water

·         eating peppermint

·         drinking carbonated water

·         taking Sona probiotics to balance out the good bacteria in the stomach


5 Things Men Can Do To Benefit Their Mental Health

With this week being Men’s Health Week, we wanted to not only help you manage your physical health, but also your mental health. From meditation, to exercise and even just taking some time for peace and quite, we want to help you take steps to improving your mental health!


5.Catch Up With A Friend

We know people can be busy, and when you have family commitments and work, it is hard to make time to catch up with friends, but be sure to make time once and a while to touch base with friends, maybe some you have lost contact with or maybe they seem particularly distant!

4.Get A Full 8 Hours Of Sleep

Sleep has a huge impact on our emotions and how we feel, one night’s missed sleep can play havoc on our mood the next day. When we’re tired not only does our mood suffer but so does our productivity. If you have a busy day ahead, be sure to keep up with your sleep!

3.Have A Good Cup Of Tea And A Chat

Evidence shows that good relationships with family, friends and your wider community are incredibly important for your mental health. It doesn’t have to cost much, simply reach out, maybe sent them a text or even organise to meet for a tea or coffee!

2.Boost Your Mood With Healthy Food

Although many people have heard the saying ‘you are what you eat’, today more than ever does it ring true. With increased additives and reduced nutritional value of processed foods it has become more important that ever to watch what we eat!

1.Monitor Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol is a depressant, so consuming too much of it can lead to anxiety and depression. If you are consuming alcohol be sure to do so in moderation and avoid binge-drinking.


Men… Stay On Top Of Your Health With Our Wide Range Of Vitamins And Supplements!

This week, is annual Men’s Health Week which encourages men of all ages to take time to focus on their health and to take steps to improve not only their health but their quality of life. Whether you need to boost your energy, increase your overall well being or to comfort a health issue you have been avoiding, we can help! To help you take the first steps to boosting your health we’ve put together a list of some of our vitamin and supplement range that can help you improve your quality of life!



Wellman Original contains a comprehensive formulation of over 29 nutrients. Wellman has been specially developed for men of all ages to help maintain general health and vitality in an otherwise hectic lifestyle. Wellman represents a simple solution, with an advanced one-a-day tablet, which unlike a general multivitamin, has been specifically formulated for the specific needs of men. Wellman is designed to boost various aspects of your health and life, including men’s immune system, energy levels and  reproductive health! Call in store now and save on out Wellman original range!

2.SOS Health – Athletes Magnesium Oil Spray


Made with black pepper, lemon, peppermint and clove essential oils, this Magnesium Oil Spray from SOS Health is specifically made for Athletes. Magnesium is essential to many of our body’s chemical processes. In regards to Athletes, our body’s muscles ability to contract and relax is dependant on how much magnesium they are being given.

Magnesium is an essential supplement to take if you are training for a specific event, e.g. a marathon or you regularly exercise. The SOS Health Athletes Magnesium Oil Spray can prevent cramps, relieve them quickly and helps them warm up to increase their working capacity and avoid injury. Save on this product now in store with 20% off our SOS Health Athletes Magnesium Oil Spray range!



Many people often feel fatigue and assume that their they are tired, however did you know that you could feel fatigue because your body is dehydrated? Oxylent is a daily multivitamin supplement that can boost your energy levels and immune system! This daily multivitamin is available in a 7 day and 30 pack in a variety of flavours! Visit your nearest Mulligans Pharmacy to learn more about Oxylent and how it can benefit your life!



LubriSyn is a Hyaluronic Acid Food Supplement with Vitamin D3, Copper, Manganese and Magnesium. This daily supplement can help promote bone health, muscle function, energy and metabolism, immune system and more. LubriSyn can also help reduce arthritic symptoms in just 7 to 10 days.

5.Centrum Men


Backed with over 35 years of nutritional science expertise Centrum Men is a complete multivitamin with 24 essential nutrients tailored for men under 50. Centrum is a tailored multivitamin for men, which has 15 nutrients to support the release of energy, vitamin C to produce immune function, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D for muscle function and iron, which contributes to normal cognitive function. Be sure to call in store for 33% off our entire Centrum range!

If you are hoping to take the next step in improving your health and wellbeing, be sure to chat to a pharmacist or GP for all health concerns.

4 Signs You May Have A Weak Pelvic Floor


Your pelvic floor is a key set of deep muscles situated in the pelvis. As this muscle is hidden from view, it’s easy to neglect it. A weakened pelvic floor can cause many problems, the most common being bladder weakness. Some people have weak pelvic floor muscles from an early age, whilst others notice problems during & after key life stages such as pregnancy, childbirth or menopause.

The good news is it’s never too late to restore the strength in your pelvic floor! We’ve identified 5 common signs to help you identify whether your pelvic floor needs some attention, and how to overcome bladder leaks using INNOVO®.

  • Accidentally leaking urine

A common sign of a weak pelvic floor is when you find yourself accidentally leaking urine during simple everyday activities like, coughing, sneezing, laughing or during exercise. These simple movements put pressure on your bladder which leads to accidental leakage due to weak pelvic floor muscles unable to tighten enough. This kind of Urinary Incontinence is referred to as ‘Stress Incontinence’, and is the most commonly experienced form of Incontinence in women.

  • Needing to go to the toilet in a hurry or not reaching it in time.

Urge Incontinence usually happens when you suddenly leak urine after feeling an urgent and immediate need to go to the loo. This particular form of incontinence is caused by the bladder muscles being either underactive or overactive

  • Pain in pelvic area

Tension or problems with the pelvic floor muscles can cause pelvic pain. However, if you are feeling pain in the pelvic area you should always consult your doctor as this could also be a sign of infection.

  • Reduced feeling or sensation during intercourse

Research indicates that increasing your pelvic floor fitness can and does improve sexual satisfaction for most women. Alternatively, those with a weakened or damaged pelvic floor may experience a loss of sensation.

The pelvic floor supports the bowel as well as the bladder so accidentally passing wind or the inability to hold it in is another sign of a weakened pelvic floor. This can be very embarrassing, leading to anxiety in social situations.

Sound familiar? You may be one of the 1 in 3 UK women suffering from Bladder Weakness. But don’t worry, it’s completely fixable! INNOVO®’s clinically proven, non-invasive pelvic floor exerciser is suitable for women and men and can be used in the comfort of your home. Restore your pelvic floor strength in as little as 4 weeks* and get back to living life with confidence!

Why Hydration Is Key For Athletic Stamina

The Role of Hydration in Athletic Stamina 

Maintaining hydration levels is a vital part of our well-being. When we push our bodies and minds to the limit, the need to stay hydrated increases. It has been shown that when exercising in a hot environment, dehydration by only 2% of body mass reduces our level of performance and makes us more susceptible to suffering from heat-related injuries. By negating our hydration, we are actively making a decision to perform at a lower level and to risk overall injury.

The reality of exercise and sport, however, is that it is not always easy to maintain our hydration levels. Yes, at times, we can sense that we are dehydrated and that we need to rehydrate, but the opportunity to do so does not always present itself. If we are playing a team sport, there needs to be a break in the game for us to get a drink, which is often only a short opportunity. If we are running a marathon there are water stations, sure, but to stay fully hydrated is water alone enough? The reality of sport is that hydration levels can be challenging to maintain, regardless of the athletic activity.

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What is Sustamine®?

Sustamine® is a unique, revolutionary dipeptide form of L-Glutamine and is designed to be ingested in energy drinks, nutritional bars, yogurts and dietary supplements. It is taste-free, odor-free, allergen-free and Kosher. Sustamine® consists of L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine, which means it offers a combination of pure L-Glutamine to support muscle protein synthesis and L-Alanine to help rebuild glycogen stores. More than half of the body’s free amino acid pool consists of glutamine. It is able to limit intestinal permeability and reduce gut atrophy by being involved in many metabolic and synthetic biochemical processes.

In order for substances and nutrients to be absorbed by the body when they are ingested, it is necessary for them to pass through the intestinal barrier. If this barrier is performing optimally, it will act as a sieve to allow the substances to pass through. Glutamine has been shown to help the body maintain the physiologic intestinal barrier when there are stresses acting on the body. These stresses, whether as a result of mental or physical exertion in the form of exercise or illness, have the potential to lower this level. This makes us more susceptible to infections. Sustamine® provides the body with L-Glutamine to help maintain this barrier at peak condition. Sustamine® has also been shown to be better absorbed within the gut than a pure dose of glutamine alone, meaning the body is able to take on more glutamine when it is supplied as Sustamine®.

The Many Benefits of Sustamine®

Another significant benefit of Sustamine®’s ability to support the intestinal barrier is that the immune system is strengthened. Further links between Sustamine® and warding off exhaustion have also been made. By reducing your level of exhaustion, you enable your body to allot more energy, if needed, towards overall immunity.

Investigations on L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine’s ability to positively influence hydration and support the performance levels of athletes has been thoroughly examined. A paper in 2010 showed that time to exhaustion was increased through the provision of a significant ergogenic benefit from Sustamine® supplementation. This effect was deemed to be likely as a result of the enhanced fluid and electrolyte uptake that the L-Alanine-L-Glutamine provided. Another study conducted on basketball players showed rehydration levels from Sustamine® supplementation supported skill performance and visual reaction time better than water alone.

Further links on performance have also been made between Sustamine® and reducing muscle protein breakdown after resistance exercise and supporting athlete reaction times during endurance exercise.

Summary of Sustamine®’s Sport Performance/Health Benefits:

  • Supports Muscle Protein Synthesis†
  • Supports Glycogen Store Replenishment†
  • Supports Hydration Levels†
  • Supports Recovery from Exercise†
  • Supports Athletic Performance†
  • Supports Overall Immunity†
  • Optimal Absorption through Sport Oxylent®’s Effervescence Delivery†

Just Seven Percent Of Asthmatics Know The Signs Of An Asthma Attack

Today (May 1st) is World Asthma Day.


A new study has found that just 7% of asthmatics know all the symptoms of an asthma attack.

According to the Asthma Society of Ireland, 90% of the weekly deaths caused by asthma could be prevented.

A recent survey of over 1,100 asthmatics revealed that many of those with the condition don’t actually know how to manage it properly or how to prevent an attack.

The study also found that 27% of asthmatics aren’t aware that constant use of their reliever inhaler could indicate that they are at a higher risk of an asthma attack.

And of those surveyed, just one in five know it is safe to have 10 puffs of that reliever inhaler during an attack.

“It is troubling to think that so few asthmatics know all the symptoms of an asthma attack, placing them at huge risk of a serious attack which can be fatal,” CEO of the Asthma Society of Ireland, Sarah O’Connor, said of the survey findings.

“Therefore, it is vital that all asthmatics and their carers learn the symptoms of an asthma attack and the 5 Step Rule so that they are fully prepared. It really could be the difference between life and death.”

The society is recommending asthmatics and everyone else be aware of the “5 Step Rule” if they do find themselves or someone else is suffering from an asthma attack.

1. Stay calm. Sit up straight – do not lie down.

2. Take slow steady breaths.

3. Take one puff of your reliever inhaler (usually blue) every minute.

  • People over six years can take up to 10 puffs in 10 minutes.
  • Children under six can take up to six puffs in 10 minutes.

4. Call 112 or 999 if your symptoms do not improve after 10 minutes.

5. Repeat step three if an ambulance has not arrived in 10 minutes.

To learn more about asthma and how to avoid and manage flare ups call in and chat to our expert pharmacy team!

Green Tea May Treat Acne

A helpful tip for anyone suffering from acne!


Acne can be an issue for people of all ages and although you may feel like you can escape it when your teenage years are over, this isn’t always the case.

However, there are any ways to deal with this, with many studies now suggesting that green tea might help treat adult acne!

How did it work?

One of the most likely reasons is that green team contains anti-inflammatory properties which can help to calm down red blemishes.

Drinking a cup or two of green team might not sound a lot, but it can make a huge difference if you are struggling with your skin.


NaturesPharm Green Tea blend is a green tea range stocked in many of our stores. This Irish brand is a natural blend of green tea in powdered form that can boost your health and energy levels!

5 Reasons You Could Be Feeling Tired Regularly

One of the most common health issues that any people experience is chronic fatigue or extremely low levels of energy.

While fatigue is common is common, there are opportunities to improve this. Many people feel like this cannot be improved and leads people to feeling tired for a significant period of their lives. Fatigue can affect every aspect of your life, your family, friends, job and hobbies.


Below are some of the reasons as to why you may feel fatigue regularly:

1.Micronutrient Deficiencies

Our bodies are alive and functioning, when we fail to nourish them with specific nutrients we may begin to feel tired or sluggish. Deficiencies in Iron, Vitamin D and Vitamin B are common and can all lead to fatigue.

To boost your energy levels and overall health with vitamins call in and chat to your local Mulligans Pharmacy pharmacist who would be thrilled to help you increase your health and quality of life.

2.Inflammatory Foods

Many foods can either help or hurt our energy levels. Refined foods with excess carbohydrates can negatively affect your energy levels. Fatigue caused by sugar can only be stopped by reducing the amount of sugar in your diet.

Food Intolerance can also cause fatigue. Foods that contain gluten and dairy are some of the most common foods to cause fatigue among people who suffer from a Food Intolerance.

3.Hormonal Dysfunctions

Hormones play an important role in our health. Two relatively common hormonal dysfunctions that can cause fatigue are hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysfunction and low thyroid function.




Although fatigue can be caused by a variety of factors, stress is one of the leading causes. Chronic and long term psychological or emotional stress for weeks / months on end.

If you regularly suffer from stress, try reaching out and talking to someone, a friend, a family member, your doctor, a councillor, or someone you feel comfortable around.

5.Poor Sleep


We know… this sounds like an obvious one, but yes, it’s true! If you’re staying up late regularly and drinking lots of caffeine you may begin to feel fatigue.

Try going to bed earlier, cutting down on caffeine and allow yourself to unwind.

Sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea affect millions of people around the world.

To learn more about insomnia and how to overcome it click here!

To learn more about fatigue or how to boost your energy levels, chat to your GP or any of our expert pharmacists who would be thrilled to help!

Five Reasons You Should Be Taking A Probiotic

By now you have probably heard of microbiomes, if you haven’t they are the community of trillions of microorganisms that live inside and on your body.

Our microbiome are full of all kinds of microbes, both good and bad. When our microbiome are balanced the good bacteria work hard to keep us healthy.

The good news is that it is possible to swing the balance of microbes in your favour by using a probiotic. Probiotics are are filled with good bacteria, that work to replenish good bacteria in your body.

Although there are many positive reasons why you should be taking a probiotic, but here are our top five!

1.Promotes Healthy Microbiomes


Many modern diets consist of too much sugar and additives, and many people have taken antibiotics as medication, although antibiotics are often necessary to help your body overcome an illness, your body may need to replenish its positive bacteria.

2.Enhance Nutrient Absorption

No matter how many superfoods you eat on a daily basis, your body won’t be able to benefit from them fully if your gut environment isn’t filled with healthy bacteria. Enzymes and digestive bacteria break down the food you eat into molecules which are then absorbed by your body. If your body doesn’t have adequate levels of microbial then you may not fully absorb all nutrients.

3.Boost Your Mood


Your ‘gut feeling’ isn’t just a phrase! The good bacterial in your intestinal tract produce hundreds of nervous system chemicals that regulate our moods. Did you know that 95% of your body’s serotonin (the happiness chemical also found in the brain is manufactured by your gut bacteria). This is why it is important to replenish them regularly!

4.Reduce Fatigue

Have you ever felt tired after getting more than enough rest? This could be related to a lack in good bacteria. Regularly taking a probiotic can encourage your body to digest more nutrients and increasing your energy levels.

5.Improve Your Skin

Your skin is your largest organ and it protects your body fro a variety of external threats, but, what many people don’t realise is that your skin is an important reflection of your internal health. Skin problems can be a results of a variety of internal factors, such as nutritional and hormonal imbalances, as well as problems with your immune system.

By helping your body to absorb the nutrients from your foods, you are also supporting your immune system and reducing temporary inflammation which can help you achieve healthier looking skin.

To learn more about probiotics and how they can improve your health call in and chat to any of our expert team members!