Why Vitamin C Is Most Important During Summer

In summer, when the sun is shining, it is essential that you prioritise Vitamin C in our skincare. It will help even skin tone and get rid of those sunspots.

Most of our Vitamin C comes from our food intake and you can also take a Vitamin C supplement.

It is also important to apply it topically to your skin as well, especially during the summer months.

During this heatwave, your skin is being affected by the harmful rays of the sun. If you are prone to pigmentation you will probably notice it can worsen in summer. Vitamin C can help control and manage the formation of pigmentation.

Vitamin C can also provide natural sun protection. Now, this does not mean that you do not need a SPF. It just means that it will boost your skin’s natural tolerance to the sun. Right now we need ALL the protection we can get so every little helps.

Our recommendation? Clinique’s Fresh Pressed 7-Day System with Pure Vitamin C range!

Recapture younger looking skin with the de-aging power of fresh, potent Vitamin C. Refresh and renew with this 7-day de-aging system.

Fresh means powerful. Pure Vitamin C naturally degrades when exposed to oxygen, so it’s most powerful when fresh. Stay-fresh packaging isolates the pure Vitamin C until activation, maintaining its freshness and full power for maximum results.

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